Spring 2025 Seminar Schedule
Course: CHEM 4940/5940 (Chemistry Seminar)
Unless otherwise noted, seminars are held on Thursdays from 3:30-4:20 p.m. in CHEM
All seminars are free and open to the public
- 1/16 -Linxiao Chen, Akron University
Host: Jeff Kelber, PhD
- 1/23 - Jonathan M. Larson, Baylor University
Title: Advanced Optical scanning probes leveraged for physicochemical characterization of
energy & low dimensional materials
Host: Graduate student invited speaker
- 1/30 - Yi Lu, UT Austin
Title: Designing Metalloenzymes as Biocatalysts for Sustainable Energy and as Theranostic
Agents in Biomedicine
Hosts: Tom Cundari, PhD
- 2/6 - Haotian Wang, Rice University
Host: Hao Yan, PhD
- 2/13 - James R Chelikowsky, UT Austin
Title: Using Artificial Intelligence for the Design and Discovery of Magnets without Rare
Host: Hsin-Yu Ko, PhD
- 2/20 - Jeff Long, UC Berkeley
Linda Truitt Creagh Lectureship
Host: Shengqian Ma, PhD
- 2/27 – Justin Johnson, NREL
Title: Controlling spin in photoexcited molecular and nanoscale hybrid systems
Host: Hong Wang, PhD
- 3/6 - Regis Komperda, San Diego State University
Title: Measurement Quality in Chemistry Education: Examples and Resources to Understand
Student Experiences
Host: Molly Atkinson, PhD and Alena Moon, PhD
- 3/20 - Jing Li, Rutgers University
Title: Dynamic Structures and Enhanced Performance: Flexible MOFs for Molecular Sieving Based
Separation of Liquid Hydrocarbons
Host: Shengqian Ma, PhD
- 3/27 - Lars C Grabow, University of Houston
Title: Modern Paradigms for Computational Catalyst Design in Energy Transition
Host: Francis D'Souza, PhD
- 4/3 - Qiang Cui, Boston University
Title: Multi-scale simulations of biomolecular functions: from protein allostery to lipid
membrane remodeling
Host: Omar Valsson, PhD
- 4/10 - Bianca Schacherl , KIT
Host: Paul S Bagus, PhD
- 4/17 - Lei Fang, Texas A&M University
Title: From Conjugated Ladder Polymers to Porous Ladder-Type Polymer Networks
Host: Hong Wang, PhD
- 4/24 - Rasika Dias, The University of Texas at Arlington
Host: Mohammad Omary, PhD
- 5/1 - Jeff Kelber’s Symposium
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For Spring 2024 seminar schedule click here
For Fall 2023 seminar schedule click here
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For Fall 2021 Seminar Schedule click here
For Spring 2021 Seminar Schedule click here
For Fall 2020 Seminar Schedule click here