- Computational Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry
- Application of quantitative electronic structure calculations and qualitative molecular
orbital theory to the understanding and prediction of the structures and reactivities
of organic and organometallic compounds.
Dr. Borden was recruited from the University of Washington as the Robert A. Welch
Professor of Chemistry in 2004. Dr. Borden is an Associate Editor of the Journal of
the American Chemical Society. He is a recipient of both Sloan and Guggenheim Fellowships,
and the ACS Cope Senior Scholar Award. Borden is the author of over 250 refereed papers.
Dr. Borden's research is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Robert
A. Welch Research Foundation. He is a co-PI of the "Center for Enabling New Technologies
through Catalysis" (CENTC), the first Chemical Bonding Center approved by the NSF
for Phase II support. CASCaM, and thus UNT, is the major site providing modeling support
within CENTC, which allows UNT to occupy a pivotal spot in the overall effort.