Dr. Wang received her B.S. and M.S. in Inorganic Chemistry from Shandong University
China, and her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of California. She started
as a Lecturer at Beijing Science and Technology University in 1993. From 2003-2005,
Dr. Wang was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, followed by another postdoctoral
fellowship at The Scripps Research Institute until 2007. In 2007 Dr. Wang became an
Assistant Professor at Miami University and later joined UNT faculty in 2016 where
she was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
Research Area:
- Asymmetric Catalysis Through Cooperative Enamine-Metal Lewis Acid Catalysis
- Functional Organic Materials Based on p-Extended Porphyrins
The research in the Wang group mainly involves synthetic methodology development and
the design and development of novel organic materials with interesting photophysical
and optoelectronic or biological properties. The research principles are “using simple
to make complicated” in the development of synthetic methodologies and “making complicated
simple” in the design and development of organic materials.