Written by: Shawn.Adams2@unt.edu
Congratulations to Dr. Paul Bagus, Research Professor in the UNT Chemistry Department,
for being named a 2021 American Vacuum Society (AVS) Fellow. AVS Fellowship is granted
to members who "have made sustained and outstanding scientific and technical contributions
in research, engineering, technical advancement, academic education, or managerial
leadership for at 10 years."
Dr. Bagus, along with the other 2021 AVS Fellows, will be honored during the 67th
AVS International Symposium in October 2021.
According to the AVS website, "AVS is an international community of scientists, engineers and instrument manufacturers,
which strives to promote research and communicate knowledge in the important areas
of surface, interface, vacuum, and thin film science and technology for the advancement
of humankind."
You can view AVS Fellows here.