Congratulations to Courtney Stewart, Ph.D. candidate working with Dr. Hong Wang, for being selected as a B Symposia Best Poster Award winner at the 235th ECS Meeting in Dallas, May 26-30, 2019.

According to the website, the poster awards "acknowledge the quality and thoroughness of the candidate's work, originality and independence of the candidate's contributions, significance and timeliness of research results, and depth of understanding of the research topic and its relationship to the fields of interest to The Electrochemical Society."

A summary of Ms. Stewart's poster: A dithiophenyl-benzoporphyrin was successfully synthesized via heck-reaction based sequence reaction and confirmed with X-Ray Crystallography. The fluorescence lifetime of this compound was fojnd to be 13.5 ns, an unusually long lifetime for a free-base porphyrin.

"ECS biannual meetings are a forum for sharing the latest scientific and technical developments in electrochemistry and solid state science and technology."

For more information about the awards and a list of past winners, please check out the ECS Meeting's awards page.