Written by: Shawn.Adams2@unt.edu
Chemistry research professor Dr. Francis D'Souza was recently awarded the Toulouse Scholar Award, presented by the Office of Faculty
Success. The award will be presented to Dr. D'Souza at the Salute to Faculty Excellence
awards dinner and celebration on April 25, 2019.
According to the website, this award "is designed to recognize the excellent teaching and scholarly/creative
achievements of members of the University of North Texas faculty and thereby honor
the distinguished contributions of Robert B. Toulouse to the university."
D'Souza is a Distinguished University Research Professor. Dr. D'Souza joined UNT in
2011 and has nearly 400 publications, Co-editor of Handbook of Carbon Nanomaterials
book series (published by World Scientific Publications, Singapore), Associate Editor
of the Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, Associate Editor of the Journal
of Electrochemical Society, and editorial board member of few others journals.
Dr. D'Souza's research covers wide areas of chemistry, nanophotonics and materials
science. Principal research interests include supra and nanomolecular chemistry of
porphyrins and carbon nanomaterials, light energy harvesting, photoelectrochemistry
and photovoltaics, electrochemical and photochemical sensors and catalysts, fluorescent
chemosensors and biosensors, conducting nanocomposite hybrid materials for energy
storage and conversion.