Paris, France:

Folder 2C



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Elements: chromium, beryllium
Location: Paris
Scientist: Lavoisier, Vauquelin

Lavoisier's 3rd home

Street name changes

Compare street names

Closer view of this building

Left windows of previous building

Dates from Lavoisier's

Same corner

Banque de France

Banque de France on entire block

"Histoire de Paris" post for the bank

Marquis de La Vrillière is a palace

Bank of France moved into the hotel de Toulouse

Corner of Rue des Petits-Champs and Rue Radziwill

Francois Couperin lived here

Rue des Bons Enfants

South of the location of Lavoisier's

interesting building

Hotel Tubeuf

Deed of Louisiana by France to the Republic of United States of America-1803

Louvre was the site of the Académie des Sciences

Future of Pont des Arts

The "Old Louvre"

Académie des Sciences at the time of Lavoisier was in the southeast corner of the Louvre

Current overhead view of the Louvre

Old Louvre is now known as the Sully Wing

Expanded view of the Old Louvre

Site of the Académie des Sciences

View of the Louvre

Long lines move through rapidly

This is inside the Sully Wing

Terrace of Jardin de l’Infante

South wing of the Louvre

Site of Tschirnhausen lens

Tschirnhausen experiments

Mansion on Boulevard de la Madeleine

1739 area about the Madeleine

Hotel de Chevilly, dated from 1728.

Église de la Madeleine

Monument of Lavoisier

Monument of Lavoisier

A bas-relief adorned the pedestal

Another bas-relief adorned the pedestal

Boulevard de la Madeleine

View westward on Boulevard de la Madeleine

Area has been extensively urbanized

View towards l'Église de la Madeleine

La Place de la Concorde

Southeast view of the Place de la Concorde

View northward, with the obelisk

Statue of Louis XV

Originally named 'Place Louis XV.'

Northward view of the obelisk

Madame Lavoisier moved
after death of husband

Boulevard Malesherbes (left-right) and Rue Lavoisier

Closeup of same tobacco shop

View eastward on Rue Lavoisier

Half-way down Rue Lavoisier

Walking eastward of Rue Lavoisier

This is the Chapelle Expiatoire

This is the other (east) side of le Square Louis XVI

Above the door is an inscription

The first home of École Polytechnique

School was first established in 1794

Today's view of the Palais Bourbon

Hotel del Lassay

Second site of the École des Mines

Street Rue de Belle Chasse

Hotel Mouchy

Boulevard Saint-Germain and Rue de la Université

View eastward from this intersection

Previous site of Hotel Mouchy

View down Rue de la Université

View back towards Boulevard Saint-Germain


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