Budapest, Hungary/budapest160-botanical garden

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This is the layout of the botanical garden in back of the Franciscan church, extending throughout the so-called Franciscan cloister. The view is southward – down is north. On the bottom edge is the street Kossuth Lajos (old name Hatvani); at the upper edge is the street Reáltanoda (old name Kohlbacher). At the right edge is Ferenciek tere (old name Egyetem = university). To the left, the future street Szép is marked with a dotted line. In the gardens in the left are plots of various plants, all arranged according to Linneaus’ system. “G” = house of Kitaibel which included his chemical laboratory, where he discovered tellurium in samples obtained from Nagybörzsöny. “K” = Kitaibel’s garden, “L” = Franciscan cloister, “M” = Franciscan church. Of these only M (Franciscan church) remains today. “H” = present site of the University library.