Budapest, Hungary


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Elements: Tellurium
Location: Budapest
Scientist: Kitaibel

on the train from Vienna to Budapest

sunflowers in the fields

Carpathian Mountains

train stop is Tatabanya

industry produces coal

view is from the Citadella Sétány


Kitaibel was associated with the medical school

entrance of Semmelweis

photograph of the medical school site

present building at site

work was done behind the Pest Franciscan church

eastward view along Kossuth Lajos

work done right and behind the church

layout of the botanical garden

present westward view

Nearby is Papnövelde utca

university church

“Memorial” on the university church

entrance to the church

Inside the church

the original Eövtös University

the Institute of Physics

fresco by Endre Rátkay

Key to left panel

Key to middle panel

Key to right panel

The center panel

west train station

east train station

south train station

Hungarian National Museum

In front of the museum

portrait of Maria Theresa

the crossed hammers

historical map

historical sketches of old cities

portrait of Kitaibel


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