Kazan, Russia


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All locations: Kazan Russia
Scientists: Klaus
Significance: ruthenium discovered here

All photographs, unless otherwise designated, were furnished by Alexander Bednekoff, Professor Emeritus of Pittsburgh State University, Pittsburgh KS.


expanded view

1914 map from Baedeker's Russia

Kazan is the capital of Tartarstan

Tatar dress of the denizens

main university building

university main building

main university building today

statue of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

obtained law degree

Kazan State University

Key to map of Kazan

the monuments

Butlerov Chemical Institute entrance

Butlerov Chemical Institute

plaque devoted to Klaus

The Klaus plaque

entrance to the chemistry museum

entrance to the museum

The library

Chemical archives

Klaus' original treatise

Klaus' original preparations

Butlerov lecture room.

half a century ago

A historic laboratory

Another laboratory

poster advertisement

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Butlerov

Lobachevsky's memorial


university observatory

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