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"The Discovery of the Elements" by M. H. Klaproth.
By his research of minerals M. H. Klaproth extracted substances with unknown properties. With his chemical shrewdness he was able to discover elements in the form of "earths" (oxides).

Discovered by M. H. Klaproth:
1789 Zr Zirconium
1789 U Uranium
1792 Ti Titanium
1798 Te Tellurium

Corroborated or co-discovered by M. H. Klaproth:
1793 Sr Strontium (Hope 1792-3)
1798 Cr Chromium (Vauquelin 1797)
1802 Be Beryllium (Vauquelin 1797)
1804 Ce Cerium (Hisinger and Berzelius 1804)"