Koping, Sweden


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Scientist: Scheele
Elements: molybdenum, tungsten, barium discovered here
Site: Köping

This is Apotekshuset

Köpings information center

Looking northeast

across the beautiful Scheeleparken

profile of Scheele

profile of Berzelius

actual pharmacy of Scheele

a fire was started close to the pharmacy

view down Östra Långgatan

Walking southeast

the site of Scheele's second lodging

further southeast

The Köping Museum

Outside the Köping Museum

Outside the Köping Museum

Going upstairs

"To the memory of Scheele."

when the Apothecary is open

painting hangs near the entrance

Legend to painting

Profile of Scheele

Portrait of Scheele

Label for previous photograph

Profile of Scheele

Label for previous photograph

before it burned down

before it burned down

before it burned down

Old Town Hall

The following twelve photographs ...

replica of the apothecary


Apothecary kit

Label to the previous exhibit


Label to the previous exhibit

Jars of pharmaceuticals

Jars of pharmaceuticals





Drawing of an apothecary

Showcase with minerals

This is molybdenite

Label to previous mineral

This is pyrolusite

Label to previous mineral

This is fluorite

Label to previous mineral

This is scheelite

Label to previous mineral

"Iron balls"

Label to previous exhibit

Preparation of oxygen

Closeup of book

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

replica of the laboratory

Drug list

Closeup of list

for those who read Swedish

A list of his accomplishments

map of Scheele's accomodations

Scheele's discoveries

Illnesses of the 1700s

Life of Scheele

Scheele's career in Malmö

map of Scheele's activities

Scheele's life in Köping

end of Scheele's life

Old Swedish script

biographer of Scheele

guest register

Oliver Sack's comments

Walking back to Scheeleparken

statue by Carl Milles

Scheele statue

Scheele statue

His signature at the base.

Scheele statue

Scheele statue

Scheele statue

church in the background

church overlooking Scheeleparken

date above the door

Inside the church

Inside the Köping church

Inside the Köping church

Inside the Köping church

Inside the Köping church

Inside the Köping church

Inside the Köping church

Inside the Köping church

Outside the church

Scheele's grave

Scheele's grave

Scheele's grave

base of Scheele's grave

Modern Scheele Apothecary

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Copyright ©2018, Dr. James L. Marshall and Virginia R. Marshall
All Rights Reserved.