Paris, France/paris5-202

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About 700 meters southwest of the Musée National de Ceramique is Le Centre International d'Etudes Pedagogiques (CIEP, the Center for International Pedagogical Studies). This was the historic site of the Royal Manufactory of Porcelain, initiated by Madame Pompadour in 1756 and approved by Louis XV. The porcelain factory was in used until 1876. Its success depended a great deal on being able to produce hard porcelain which imitated Chinese porcelain. The factory was also successful during 1770-1775 in producing "Sèvres Blue" ("Royal Blue") from cobalt minerals. From the late 1881 until 1940, the building then was occupied by the École Normale Superieure (ENS) and utilized as a girls' school. In 1940 the ENS was combined with the ENS on Rue d'Ulm (see above) and the building was taken over by CIEP. It is commonly used today for international symposia.