Ytterby, Sweden


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Location: Ytterby, Sweden
Elements: yttrium, tantalum
Scientist: Gadolin, Ekeberg

to reach Resarö Island

village of Ytterby

peaceful village

eastern edge of Ytterby

loaded onto ships

feldspar and quartz

trail leads up the hill

sign at the foot of the hill.

chemical historical landmark.

Arrhenius discovered a mineral

the procelain industry

The talus slope

up toward the mine

quartz specimen

feldspar specimen

At the top

four elements' names

overgrown with trees

difficult to climb down

bottom of the pit area

the mine area

interesting minerals

layer of feldspar

layer of quartz

seam of gadolinite

"Feldspar street."

"Terbium street."

"Yttrium street."

"Mica street."

"Tantalum street."

"Gadolinite street."

directions to the mine.

Vaxholm Fästnings Museum

from Turku, Finland

The shipping lanes

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