Berlin, Germany/berlin138

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Berlin had not yet consolidated its various suburbs (Cölln, Friedrichswerder, Friedrichsstadt, Dorotheenstadt), which are identified in this key. The numbers used in this key are the same as those used above in the first photo of the wooden city model.
"1" = Brandenburger Tor (Dorotheenstadt).
"2" = Under den Linden (Dorotheenstadt).
"3" = Palais Prinz Heinrich (Dorotheenstadt).
"4" = Stadtschloß (Cölln).
"5" = The Royal Apothecary (Cölln).
"6" = Dohm Kirche (Cölln).
"7"-"10" are in old Berlin.
"11" = Apotheke zum Engel (Friedrichsstadt).