Copenhagen, Denmark


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All locations: Copenhagen
Element: hafnium
Scientists: Costner, Hevesy, Bohr

Element: aluminum
Scientist: Ørsted

Københavns Bymuseum

Københavns Bymuseum

Copenhagen Bymuseum

the city's past and present

Gate post, with historic lamp.

Gate post

Visitors hours on gate post.

Visitors hours

Copenhagen in 1530.

scale model of Copenhagen

Steeple is the St. Peters Church

St. Peters Church


the Bymuseum

Coat of arms

Hallway of exhibits

hafnium exhibit

Hafnium, element number 72.

sample is hafnium oxide

Niels Bohr Institute

Niel Bohr Institute in 1921

Bust of Niels Bohr

bas-relief bust of Ernest Rutherford

Closeup of Ernest Rutherford's relief

work area in the Niels Bohr Institute

older office area

"Hevesy's Chemical Collections."

Inside is a wooden "shoeshine" box

potassium hexafluorohafnate

hafnium oxychloride

hafnium oxychloride

Hafnium salts

Hevesy's portrait

Coster's portrait

Spectra of hafnium

New Element has been found

"closet door"

trap door leading to the basement

to minimize vibration

Ørsted had his chemical laboratory

Ørsted's chemical laboratory existed

Plaque above entrance

Courtyard inside Studiostræde 6

Studiostræde courtyard

original laboratory

preparation of aluminum

discovery of electromagnetism

northward on Nørrgade


discovery of Ørsted

inscription beside the door

bust of Ørsted

closer view of the bust

"happiest year"


Ørsted's experiment

Lake (Sortedams Sø)

to the Geological Museum

entrance to the Geological Museum

Geologisk Museum

Geologisk Museum

specimen of zircon

This is alvite

from the Tangen Mine

piece of cryolite


Time to leave Denmark

Kronborg Castle in Helsingør

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