
Anders Ekeberg found tantalum in two different sources: yttrotantalite, YTaO4, from the Ytterby mine in Sweden, and tantalite, (Fe,Mn)Ta2O6, from a tin mine locality at Skogsböle, Kemiö (Kimito Island).
Skogsböle (Swedish for "forest-village") is remote and nothing remains of the original tin mine. The site is now a commercial feldspar quarry, and automobile access is not allowed to the site. The original tantalite lode has been depleted.
To reach the site, drive 25 km east from Turku on E18 (freeway 1), and turn south onto highway 181 (intersection = (N60 25.49 E22 40.28), and proceed 36 km further to Kemiö. A historic church (Kemiön kirkko) may be visited here which is mentioned in the original literature (1821) by Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld (1792-1866) as being a reference point from which the mine may be found. The church is located at 35 Finnudsvägen/Suomenkulmantie (N60 10.14 E22 44.72), 300 meters north of the 181/183 intersection (in Southwest Finland, the first name is Swedish; the second is Finnish).
From Kemiö proceed southwest 7 km on highway 183 to the intersection at N60 7.71 E22 38.27 and turn right on Lövbölevägen/Lovbölentie. Drive 4 km further to the intersection with a dirt road to the left (N60 8.78 E22 35.98). The dirt road leads past a barrier; a 400 meter walk uphill past the barrier will take one to the original site at N60 8.59 E22 36.00, now a mining area for feldspars and not accessible to the tourist. The historic outcrop is covered with vegetation and has been depleted of the original tantalite. From the general area of the original mine site one can observe the sea, which was described in the original literature by Nordenskiöld. This is the Baltic Sea, which in Finnish is called "Itämerie," a name seen on this map several times.