Fig. 1.  Growth of Fe2O3(0001) on Cu(111).  (a) LEED and  Auger for Cu(111) film grown on Al2O3(0001) substrate. (b)—corresponding data for Fe2O3 (0001) film grown on Cu(111) by MBE
II. Ultrathin Magnetic Oxide Films for Spintronics Applications

Magnetic oxide films are of interest for a variety of spintronics applications, including voltage-switchable magnetoelectric materials, such as Cr2O3(0001) [1].  Such films, including Co3O4(111),  may also form useful substrates for graphene or other 2D materials for spintronics applications [2].  We are growing epitaxial magnetic oxide films, including Cr2O3(0001), NiO(111) and Fe2O3(0001) (Fig. 1) [3, 4] on a variety of oriented substrates  The emphasis is on large domain size, for voltage-switching applications, and of interactions with graphene and other 2D materials for heterostructures with novel magnetic behaviors.  Growth measures include MBE of metals in oxygen atmospheres.


[1] X. He, Y. Wang, N. Wu, A.N. Caruso, E. Vescovo, K.D. Belaschenko, P.A. Dowben, C. Binek. Robust isothermal electric control of exchange bias at room temperature. Nat Mat. 9 (2010) 579-585.

[2] Y. Wang, L. Kong, F.L. Pasquale, Y. Cao, B. Dong, I. Tanabe, C. Binek, P.A. Dowben, J.A. Kelber. Graphene mediated domain formation in exchange coupled graphene/Co3O4(111)/Co(0001) trilayers. J Phys : Cond Matt. 25 (2013) 472203.

[3] X. Chen, H. Kazi, Y. Cao, B. Dong, F. Pasquale, J.A. Colon-Santan, S. Cao, M. Street, R. Welch, C. Binek, A. Enders, J. Kelber, P.A. Dowben. Ultrathin chromia films grown with preferential texture on metallic, semimetallic and insulating substrates. Mat Chem and Phys. 149-50 (2015) 113-123.

[4] I. Tanabe, H. Kazi, Y. Cao, J.L. Rodenburg, T. Komesu, B. Dong, F.L. Pasquale, M.S. Driver, J.A. Kelber, P.A. Dowben. Strain induced super-paramagnetism in Cr2O3 in the ultra thin film limit. MRS Proc. 1729 (2015)